The Studio

After taking some time to consider the options available to us, we decided on this layout.

Clocking in at eleven and a half by five and a half feet, this cramped setup should allow the maximum space possible while not doing any permanent damage to the room. While nearly impossible for two wheels to fit, it should house one person at the wheel and still give enough room for someone else to work at the tabletop. The issue is really avoided anyway as we only have one wheel.

One upside is that we do get an incredible amount of workspace and storage space out of this small room. The work bench is situated over the water softener salt bucket, and still provides more then half its length in under-the-table storage space. It should also be noted that along every wall we have shelving, and convenient attic access for storing bisked materials prior to loading our larger kiln. The firing will have to be done somewhere else, but more on that later.

From this floor plan, we have started to make progress, on the sidebar you can select the work logs for the different components of the room and how its all coming together.

Update 2/22/06: Exnay Brinetankhay

We finished the table and poured the plaster. Before the pour we realized that the table was going to sit on the frame almost shoulder hight. We decided that the perfect hight for the table top and plaster surface to be about where the top of the frame was. So, two days later and one less brine tank and a water softener on "bypass" we are waiting for our plaster to dry to begin work. The wheel is in place and the clay is thawing out from the Wisconsin winter. Within two weeks we hope to be creating some warmup work and glaze test tiles.